Friday, July 29, 2011

Question: Quitting the Sailing Dream?

Today, after I was watched Cowboys vs. Aliens and after I thought about how delicious Olivia Wilde is it occurred to me... I've seen post regarding people deciding to quit the dream of coastal living but it's normally a couple years in. After a period where it normally just seems to lose it's romance, zeal, or something. What I don't see are the posts where people do it for a few months and quit. I want to read about someone's journey where they quit after a month in or so. I'd imagine if they talked about it, and quit, they might be too embarrassed to admit shortly after, but I'm sure it happens. I want to see that opinion so if anyone has run across that article would you mind linking it for me? Much appreciative. I'd admit, this thought did occur while listening to the Jon Lajoie song below.

Also, just one of those days (but in a funny way [EXPLICIT, but really, I don't give a chainsaw...])

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